Self-defense, Martial Arts, Survival




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Самооборона Рукопашный Бой Выживание Self-Defense

Seminars and training RMA Combat, Self-defense, martial arts, fighting art, survival in Riga, Latvia!

Seminars Combat, Self-defense, fighting, survival. The next seminar:
RMA Sports camp 23-26.06.2016. seminar - course on effective system of self-defense, the principles of the Russian martial art.
04.2016. course on effective system of self-defense, the principles of RMA.
We invite you June, 2016. on a seminar on Russian fighting art "Izvor", Riga, Latvia. Instructor Michail Grudev. The seminar will pass 2 days.
RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой Last seminars: (photo) Topic: survival in the real danger, perform a certain task. Doing battle in many different settings: in a confined space with limited visibility, with a limited degree of freedom in places where people fight with multiple opponents, the principles of movement.

Combat, self-defense and security club, organizes and conducts seminars on fighting and self defense. The seminar program can be chosen by the subject, or the instructor can provide everything you need (exercise for the development, etc.) will see your level. Topics - survival in the real danger, performs a task, and so on. The singularity of our events is that participants offer models of real situations that have happened to them or their friends in real life. Our task is to parse the situation, to understand how to carry yourself in it. We will not only discuss the different situations, and try to solve them in practice, which is very important. Dress code is free (you do not mind breaking and dirty), sports shoes. With a B / gloves, a knife and a regular fake, other items that you may be attacked in the street. Participants: If you are not sure of yourself - come, no one can hurt you, seminar participants at any level (or lack thereof), but if you think you only steeper Mount “Everest” - come, make sure that it is so; From the organizer - our job to raise your level in a real street fight! But everyone needs to understand the responsibility - if any cause Mangle partner - is responsible for it until the full recovery and has full financial responsibility! Those who are not going to the workshop but can share the experience - will be very happy! Share the experience, so to enrich each other! For information about upcoming seminars on fighting will publish on the website and forum. Also, you can send e-mail to communicate with you. See you there!
Self-defense on the street has always been and will be actual!
Any questions - please write or call, tel: E-mail: There may be individual training, as agreed.

Believe in yourself and come! Only the beginning! Your safety - in your hands!
RMA Combat, self-defense and security club!

RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой
RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой
RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой
RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой
RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой
RMA рукопашка rukopashka рукопашный бой


Training for Self-defense and fighting in Riga, Latvia! Self-defense, martial arts, survival, the real street fight! Your safety - in your hands! Self-defense, martial arts and security School.

Russian Martial Arts Europe, Russian martial arts Latvia, Russian Martial Arts Seminars, Russian Martial Arts Courses, Martial-Arts, Тraining Martial Arts Riga, Practice Martial Arts Latvia, Real Martial Arts, MartialArts, Martial Arts, Тraining, Martial, Arts, Riga, RMA, practice Martial Arts Latvia, Russian martial arts Seminars Europe, Real martial arts, self-defense, fighting, RMA Seminars, RMA Courses, Trainings RMA, Self-Defense, Real Fight, RMA Instructor Rob, RMA Instructor Rob, Russian Martial Arts in Europe, RMA Seminars, RMA Courses, Training RMA, Self-Defense, Real Fight, RMA, Russian Martial Arts Europe, Seminars, Courses, Trainings, Self-Defense, fighting. Training Russian martial arts in Europe, Инструктор Роб, Русский рукопашный бой в Европе, Российские Боевые искусства в Европе, Семинары, Курсы, Тренировки, Самооборона, РРБ, Единоборства, рукопашный бой, рукопашка, драка

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